
Gretchen Bleiler Talks 21 Day Reusable Challenge

Posted on Wed, Feb 01, 2012

Ok, everybody, we need your help! Today begins the 21-Day Reusable Challenge. Led by the awesome Gretchen Bleiler, the 21-Day Reusable Challenge calls upon all of us to kick a bad habit: plastic consumption.

Did you know that 2.5 million plastic bottles are tossed per hour?

Or that plastic grocery bags kill 1,000,000 sea creatures every year?

How about that Styrofoam containers make up 30% of our landfills?

Those are pretty staggering statistics.

We’re right behind Gretchen and her continued work to raise environmental awareness. Join us in our pledge to go plastic-less for the next three weeks. In addition to cutting down on waste, there’s a pretty nice prize (which includes $100 of Mission products) up for grabs. Check out the 21-Day Reusable Challenge Facebook page to learn more!

Topics: Mission, Mission Athletecare, Gretchen Bleiler, 21 Day Reusable Challenge, go green